Current Editions

Older Editions

These Second Edition versions of Numerical Recipes
in C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90 are no longer in print or
supported, but are made available here for users with legacy code.
More Books Hosted by NR
We are pleased to host a few useful and/or otherwise homeless ebooks, in all applicable cases
by permission of the copyright holder.
Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions
(10th corrected printing, 1972)
free, with index and hyperlinks in html.
Or, download Alan P. Sexton's good-quality scan of the
whole book (large file: 52 MB).
Erdelyi et al. (Bateman Manuscript Project)
Higher Transcendental Functions (vols. 1, 2, and 3)
McGraw-Hill, 1953-1955
(Copyright renewed 1981-1983 by California Institute of Technology.)
PDF format: Vol. 1,
Vol. 2,
Vol. 3.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
the great 11th Edition (1911)
free, in our bookreader.
Luc Devroye
Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation
Springer, 1986