KS test help

05-16-2011, 03:24 PM
I'm a university student trying to write a C++ Kolmogorov - Smirnov Test program with the programs I downloaded for the website. The problem is, I don't have much experience in programming. I'll display my code below (it won't compile). I don't really know how to make this work and I think I have all of the #include. Any help would be appreciated.

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "nr3.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "moment.h"
#include "gamma.h"
#include "erf.h"
#include "incgammabeta.h"
#include "stattests.h"
#include "quadvl.h"
#include "ksdist.h"
#include "kstests_2d.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
int i, j;
cout << "Enter first variable: ";
cin >> i;
cout << "Enter second variable: ";
cin >> j;


cout << "Result: " << i << ", " << j << endl;
return 0;

05-17-2011, 09:18 AM
ksdist is a struct.

You have to instance the struct first.

Here is an example:

ksdist myksdist;

To call the functions in ksdist you do the following

Doub result = myksdist.pks(your integer value)

To get the results from ksdist you do the following

cout << "Result " << result << endl;

Also, the only #include that you need for ksdist is nr3.h

Hope that helps.


05-17-2011, 09:56 AM
One way to get things to compile: Put the code in a directory at the same level as the nr3 stuff, and use relative paths in the include directives.

So, on my workstation the nr3 stuff is in a directory /home/dave/nr3/code, and the application program is /home/dave/nr3/xks2d1s/xks2d1s.cpp


// Example for testing ks2d1s
// davekw7x
#include "../code/nr3.h"
#include "../code/gamma.h"
#include "../code/sort.h"
#include "../code/moment.h"
#include "../code/incgammabeta.h"
#include "../code/erf.h"
#include "../code/stattests.h"
#include "../code/quadvl.h"
#include "../code/ksdist.h"
#include "../code/kstests_2d.h"
#include "../code/ran.h"

int main()
Int num_points, num_trials;
Doub factor;

// For debugging, you might want to use the same
// seed each time so that you can evaluate the
// effects of program changes
Int seed = 12345678;

// For repeated testing, you might want to use
// a different seed each time
//Int seed = time(0);
Ran ran(seed);

cout << "Enter the number of points (Must be a greater than 2): ";
// Terminate the program if the user enters something non-numeric
// or if the value is less than three
while ((cin >> num_points) && (num_points > 2)) {

// Low values of the factor makes the point distribution
// be jointly uniform. As factor gets larger, the
// distribution gets "less and less" jointly uniform

// Terminate the loop and exit the program if the user
// makes a non-numeric entry, otherwise make sure an
// appropriate value is entered, then proceed.
cout << "Enter the non-linearity factor (0.0 to 1.0) : ";
while ((cin >> factor) && ((factor < 0) || (factor > 1.0))) {

if (factor < 0.0) {
cout << "Factor can not be less than 0." << endl;
if (factor > 1.0) {
cout << "Factor can not be greater than 1." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the non-linearity factor (0.0 to 1.0) : ";
if (!cin) {

// Terminate the loop and exit the program if the user
// makes a non-numeric entry, otherwise make sure an
// appropriate value is entered, then proceed.
cout << "Enter the number of trials : ";
while ((cin >> num_trials) && (num_trials <= 0)) {

cout << "Must be a positive integer."
<< endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of trials : ";
if (!cin) {

cout << endl << endl
<< "The null hypothesis is that the distribution of the"
<< endl
<< "points (x,y) is jointly uniform for x in [-1,1] and"
<< endl
<< "and y in [-1,1]"
<< endl << endl
<< "If the probability number in the table is small, then"
<< endl
<< "we reject the null hypothesis, and we believe that the"
<< endl
<< "distribution is not jointly uniform in the given region."
<< endl << endl;

cout << " Probability that D is greater"
<< endl
<< "K-S D value than the K-S D value"
<< endl
<< "---------------------------------------------------"
<< endl;

VecDoub x(num_points), y(num_points);
for (Int i = 0; i < num_trials; i++) {
for (Int j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {

Doub rand_temp = ran.doub();

rand_temp = rand_temp * ((1.0 - factor) + rand_temp * factor);
x[j] = 2.0 * rand_temp - 1.0;

rand_temp = ran.doub();
rand_temp = rand_temp * ((1.0 - factor) + rand_temp * factor);
y[j] = 2.0 * rand_temp - 1.0;


Doub d, prob;
ks2d1s(x, y, quadvl, d, prob);
cout << fixed << setprecision(6) << setw(9) << d
<< scientific << setprecision(2) << setw(24) << prob
<< endl;
cout << endl << endl
<< "================================================== ======="
<< endl << endl;

cout << "Enter the number of points (Must be a greater than 2): ";
if (cin) {
cout << "Goodbye for now." << endl;
else {
cout << "Invalid entry. Program is ending." << endl;

return 0;

With GNU compilers, the command line is

g++ -Wall -W xks2d1s.cpp -o xks2d1s

Here's a run:
Enter the number of points (Must be a greater than 2): 100
Enter the non-linearity factor (0.0 to 1.0) : 0.1
Enter the number of trials : 10

The null hypothesis is that the distribution of the
points (x,y) is jointly uniform for x in [-1,1] and
and y in [-1,1]

If the probability number in the table is small, then
we reject the null hypothesis, and we believe that the
distribution is not jointly uniform in the given region.

Probability that D is greater
K-S D value than the K-S D value
0.140249 1.14e-01
0.122477 2.27e-01
0.110910 3.33e-01
0.074685 8.14e-01
0.121303 2.37e-01
0.087340 6.37e-01
0.129655 1.75e-01
0.165833 3.65e-02
0.100479 4.53e-01
0.143230 1.01e-01

================================================== =======

Enter the number of points (Must be a greater than 2): 100
Enter the non-linearity factor (0.0 to 1.0) : .9
Enter the number of trials : 10

The null hypothesis is that the distribution of the
points (x,y) is jointly uniform for x in [-1,1] and
and y in [-1,1]

If the probability number in the table is small, then
we reject the null hypothesis, and we believe that the
distribution is not jointly uniform in the given region.

Probability that D is greater
K-S D value than the K-S D value
0.348430 4.35e-08
0.360526 1.22e-08
0.338268 1.18e-07
0.374735 2.93e-09
0.407322 7.10e-11
0.296730 5.77e-06
0.289877 1.02e-05
0.359207 1.45e-08
0.298212 5.00e-06
0.292582 8.11e-06

================================================== =======

Enter the number of points (Must be a greater than 2): 0
Goodbye for now.



This example was derived from the Numerical Recipes legacy C++ version 2 program test program xks2d1s.cpp

Can also be compiled from a command line with recent Microsoft compilers:

cl xk2d1s.cpp /EHsc

or Borland:

bcc32 xk2d1s.cpp

05-17-2011, 02:29 PM
Thank you dave, that really helps! It compiled and runs perfectly, thanks again!